Day 21 of #100DaysOfCode


Today’s Progress Day 21 - After a long gamble on figuring out what is wrong with the FCC curriculum, the hardware from my new ISP arrived. Set it up and immediately got a hand full of issues to fix..

There was my Pi3 failing to be reached ‘from outside’, the Vodafone “EasyBox” making me go nuts, then the bots i hosten on the Pi which Directories conflicted with their Git repositories.. ugh~

so i finally decided to just pull them from Git again, somehow leaked the Bot Token in the process and had to write a new “.env” which i had slight trouble with copying it over to the Pi via scp and ftp. Oh did i mention that the Vodafone “EasyBox” messed up my WiFi and the Pi thinks it has no W-Wlan interface installed, but it has have w-lan internet connection nonetheless :’D

So somehow i couldn’t access the workdirs of the bots via ftp/scp. I was only able to place the .env in my users home directory, so i had to move it from there. Well, you know that Files starting with a “.” are invisible, don’t you? :)

after i got that, i decided i would replace the full node ‘latest’ package in my Docker File, “Dockerfile”, with the node:slim version. Still not quite sure about the exact differences but everything runs fine.. and is about 4-500mb smaller now :>

Here it is:

FROM node:slim


COPY package.json /app

RUN npm install

COPY . /main

CMD ["npm", "start"]

Anyone ever written a Dockerfile? Remember the contents or need to look ‘em up? I’d like to have a peek :D
Link to Project Protobwot

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